ZH is pleased to announce that last night, Mr. Sameh Khodeir, our Senior Partner and head of the Oil & Gas department, was cordially invited to and participated in Assuit National Oil Processing Company’s event to finally celebrate the success of their financial closure for the Assiut Hydrocracking Complex Facility Agreement which was partially covered by sovereign guarantee from the Government of Egypt. Many other honorable guests who contributed to the success of this transaction include SACE, Simest, UniCredit, Bank Misr, NBE, HSBC, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), Reed Smith, Linklaters, Technip, Petrojet and Enppi.
Since the beginning, Mr. Khodeir legally advised ANOPC and ASORC on the EPC Contract and Financial Agreements in such USD 2.7 billion project.
The photo below shows Mr. Khodeir standing together with his Excellency, the Minister of Petroleum, the Chairman of NBE, the Chairman of ANOPC, the CEO of Technip and other highly distinguished guests.